
In less than a month, I’ll be turning twenty.

I can still remember my tenth birthday, being the teachers pet that I was I ran into school to announce to Mrs Chambers that I was ‘double figures!!’Now I’m almost double-double figures and to be honest, the thought scares me.

I can’t pull the ‘I’m only a teenager’ card anymore and I’m still at a stage in my life where myself and my friends tend to prioritize wine over most other things.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the kind of person that is normally petrified of change. It’s just that one step further to becoming a proper grown up. At the moment, I completely love my life. I’m currently a second year university student and with another two years until the dreaded graduation I am rather content. I live with a group of amazing people and despite the challenges of university, we have fun. However, I know that if I need to, I can come home to my parents for a bit of TLC. I’m not tied down to much. I do have two term time jobs, but they’re so flexible meaning I can really base my life around me and university, not around work.

I don’t really want to give it up. At least I don’t right now. I’m just a bit worried about how much life will have to change. In two weeks time, I’ll be going back home for the summer. Back at home, I will enjoy all the home comforts available and knowing that I will wake up and get a lift to work, my clothes washed and my meals cooked for me sounds pretty great right now.

I think for now I’ll just have to leave it and enjoy what I’m lucky enough to have right now. YOLO and all that.




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